Welcome, Badger families! I am honored and excited to serve as the principal of Badger Springs Middle School.
Here at Badger Springs we strive to fulfill our mission of providing high quality instruction to all students that prepares them to be academically and socially successful high school graduates that are college and career ready. We have an incredible staff that is dedicated to help your child achieve success. Our administrators, teachers, counselors, and support staff are here to ensure that the interventions, enrichment and support systems necessary are in place for every child.
We couple our academic focus with our BADGER expectations to build a positive school culture. We have high expectations of our students and strive to help them be value-driven, empathetic and kind. We implement collaborative systems to allow for authentic engagement with their peers and with staff.
We have many programs, electives and clubs available to students. We offer Spanish, Videography, STEAM, Art, Band, Choir, ASB, HOSA, and AVID. Many of these classes offer clubs as well for those students who cannot take the elective class. Students will also have an opportunity to participate in the Science Fair and History Day competitions.
Your child’s daily attendance is extremely important. When students attend school regularly, they have access to all the rich instruction that is happening in classes and the engaging activities offered throughout the school day. Research shows that frequent tardiness and absenteeism results in a negative impact on academics, emotional well-being and healthy social connections. I encourage you to have a conversation with your child about the importance of being in school every day and on time to every class.
I invite you to become involved at Badger Springs. You can join School Site Council (SSC), African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC), or English Learners Advisory Council (ELAC). During the day we have Parent Project and Coffee with a Purpose. In the evenings, we will have a variety of workshops focusing on math, literacy, STEAM, and technology. We also have AVID parent nights, Science Fair, and Band/Choir concerts to look forward to. We want to keep open communication so feel free to call or stop by with any questions or concerns. Our office staff and parent ambassadors are ready to help you get more involved at our site.
I look forward to working with all of you to make this the greatest year for our students!
Ruby Méjico